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《澳門年鑑》是澳門特別行政區政府新聞局出版的年度工具書, 屬地區性年鑑, 旨在全面、系統地記錄澳門政治、經濟和社會文化等方面的基本情況、重大事件和主要發展變化, 宣傳和推廣澳門, 為研究和期望進一步瞭解澳門的人士提供翔實的資料和數據。本年鑑從2002年開始, 逐年編纂、出版。


Macao Yearbook 2019-2023 are available now.

The Macao Yearbook is a reference book published annually by the Government Information Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR). It outlines major events, details of progress achieved, and changes made in the course of Macao’s political, economic, social and cultural development. The Macao Yearbook has been published since 2002, with the aim of promoting Macao and providing detailed information and data for all who wish to study and understand Macao.

The Macao Yearbook is divided into five sections: Administrative Priorities of the MSAR Government; Calendar of Events; Review of the MSAR; Overview of the Macao SAR; and Appendices.